A Comprehensive Guide to Forklift Attachments

How to choose the right attachments to maximize the efficiency and versatility of your forklift.

Introduction to Forklift Attachments

Forklift attachments have always been a highly cost-effective way for a forklift to perform a wider variety of tasks above and beyond lifting and shifting pallets.

The greater versatility offered by forklift attachments lets businesses do more with less equipment, improving overall both worker and equipment productivity while conserving business cash and capital.

The types of forklift attachments and what they do

The days of using a forklift just for lifting are long gone. There’s a forklift attachment for almost any task from self-dump hoppers and buckets, wire mesh handlers, heavy-duty spreader bars, work platforms, lift hooks, truss booms, jib booms, load n tows, lift n tows, replacement forks, parts and bars, and more.

What are your forklift attachment choices and what do they do? We’ve broken the most popular forklift attachments by category.

Forklift Hoppers and Buckets

Heavy Duty Self-Dump Hopper
A forklift self-dump hopper is the perfect way to collect, move and dispose of waste around the job site with a forklift such as concrete, plaster, brick and other construction waste.

The key feature of a self-dump hopper (as the name suggests) is the ability to trip the hopper to lift the load upwards and forwards to make it easy to empty the hopper and dispose the waste. Hoppers typically range in load capacity from ½ CUYD up to 5 cuyd.

Heavy Duty Self-Dump Bucket
Attaching a forklift bucket to an extendable-reach forklift can suddenly make it incredibly easy to place materials in hard-to-reach places like elevated positions and behind high walls.

You can choose from a manual bucket where the bucket can be tripped by the operator via a manual handle or a hydraulic bucket solution that provides precise control of the discharge.

Heavy Duty Forklift Bucket
A forklift bucket is an easy way to give your forklift all the capabilities of a loader without the extra cost. Most forklift buckets are available in both Quick-Tach and Slip-on-the-fork styles.

The Quick-Tach style allows connection directly to the end of the boom for a safe and strong connection. The removal of the forks and carriage system saves 700 to 1,000 lbs, enabling the forklift to lift heavier loads.

Forklift Booms, Bars and Handlers

Forklift Jib Boom
A forklift Jib Boom is an extendable telescopic boom that you can attach to a forklift to place heavy loads over or under obstacles. Most forklift job booms are suitable for both straight-mast and extendable-reach type forks.

Quick-Tach Truss Boom
A Quick-Tach Truss Boom enables you to combine the lifting capability of a crane with the speed and maneuverability of an extendable reach forklift.

With a vertical reach of up to 15’ and load capacity from 2,000 lbs to 22,000 lbs, the Star QT Truss Boom is ideal for metal building erection, setting wooden trusses, putting up post frame buildings and many more crane type jobs.

Heavy Duty Spreader Bar
A spreader bar allows you to manage long lengths of material like beams and roofing sheets easily with your forklift. It’s perfect for handling rebar, rebar cages, building beams, and steel and wood trusses making it a popular forklift attachment with building erectors.

Wire Mesh Handler
A forklift wire mesh handler takes the hard work and hassle out of loading and moving wire mesh panels around the yard or job site. A good one will easily handle up to 7,000 lbs capacity,


Safety Work Platform
One key advantage of an extendable reach forklift safety platform is that it can safely take you places where scissor lifts can’t. This makes it perfect for hard-to-reach places such as reaching over obstructions. It is also faster and cheaper than erecting scaffolds.

A good forklift safety platform should have an expanded metal deck for a wider work area and a full perimeter guard rail for superior safety.

Safety Loading Platform
A forklift safety loading platform helps you to load and unload heavy, awkward equipment that won’t fit over your forks safely and easily. The platform makes it easy to move things round, cutting labor costs, preventing back injuries and reducing damage to equipment.

Things to consider before buying a forklift attachment.

Is the forklift attachment engineered to standard?

Manufacturers of forklift attachments must ensure they meet the applicable guidelines as defined in American National Standards Institute B56.1-1969 and that operator use is without risk to health and safety as is reasonably practical when used in accordance with the supplied guidelines.

This duty includes conducting analysis, testing or an examination and providing specific information about the attachment.

If you ignore the uses, load and capacity ratings safety loading platform of your equipment and attachments, or circumvent ANSI and OSHA safety standards by using home-made, non-certified machinery attachments, you’re endangering your equipment, contracts, workers and your entire job site.

Is the forklift attachment plated and includes operator safety instructions?

The forklift attachment needs to be plated to manufacturer specifications including capacity and safe operation. Operator safety instructions need to be visible and easily accessible via the manual holder.

Is the attachment built for safety and to last?

Ensure the forklift attachment has safety and longevity in mind. The attachment should come standard with safety features such as retaining pins behind the heel of each fork that can be secured with hairpins or cotter pins; safety chains that can be wrapped around the fork carriage; pull spring-loaded pins and internal stops to ensure the extendable items such as telescopic boom sections cannot be accidently pulled all the way out.

Check with the dealer or manufacturer that all items supplied with swivel hooks, bolted shackles, chains, pin plates etc are properly rated for use with forklift attachment.

How the attachment is manufactured Star Industries is another important consideration. For example, if it’s a bucket, ask the attachment seller if it’s manufactured with a heavy-duty steel shell with continuous welded seams inside or out that add greater strength and attachment life.

Does it fit your brand of forklift and specifications?

Make sure the attachment has been tested and rated for your forklift brand, model and attachment method. The attachment should not exceed the capabilities of your machine as it may lead to operator injury or damage to the forklift.

What warranty and support are on offer?

Check with the seller the manufacturer warranty and support. forklift attachments If it’s not five-years, why not? What support does the dealer or manufacturer offer post sale? Are they located in the USA? Can you speak to a real person if you have a question or a problem? Do they carry spare parts for your attachment?

Get more out of your forklift with Star Industries’ selection of heavy-duty forklift attachments and accessories for the warehousing, construction and fleet rental industries.

Star Industries attachments — and attachment storage solutions — are precision-engineered and manufactured for the rigors of the warehousing and construction industries.

This makes them a popular choice for owners and operators of fleets of forklifts who are seeking to maximize the ROI on their valuable construction, building and earthmoving equipment.

Star Industries forklift attachments are super tough, USA made and available in both ITA and Shaft Mounted attachment options. Star Industries even offers an industry-leading five-year guarantee on most of its forklift attachments.

Visit Star Industries to learn more.

Transformer les marques à l'ère numérique : le rôle des agences numériques

Dans le paysage numérique actuel en évolution rapide, les entreprises recherchent constamment des moyens innovants pour améliorer leur présence en ligne et interagir avec leur public cible. Entrez DigitalMa, une agence de communication numérique leader qui redéfinit la façon dont les marques se connectent avec les consommateurs à l'ère numérique.

DigitalMa se distingue par ses convictions innovantes et son engagement indéfectible à favoriser l’influence des marques et la transformation des entreprises dans un monde digitalisé. Avec une gamme complète de services couvrant le conseil, le développement, la création, l'acquisition de trafic et l'exploitation de l'intelligence artificielle, DigitalMa offre à ses clients une approche holistique pour naviguer dans les complexités du domaine numérique.

Le conseil est au cœur de la méthodologie de DigitalMa, où des experts chevronnés collaborent avec les clients pour concevoir des stratégies sur mesure qui correspondent à leurs objectifs et trouvent un écho auprès de leur public cible. Qu'il s'agisse d'optimiser les actifs numériques existants ou de formuler une toute nouvelle campagne de marketing numérique, l'approche consultative de DigitalMa garantit que les clients disposent des informations et des conseils nécessaires pour prospérer dans le paysage concurrentiel d'aujourd'hui.

Du développement Web et d'applications à la conception créative et à la création de contenu, DigitalMa dispose d'une équipe diversifiée de spécialistes capables de donner vie aux marques dans l'espace numérique. Qu'il s'agisse de créer des graphismes visuellement époustouflants, de produire du contenu multimédia attrayant ou de développer des interfaces utilisateur intuitives, les prouesses créatives de DigitalMa ne connaissent pas de limites.

Mais l'expertise de DigitalMa s'étend au-delà de l'esthétique : l'agence maîtrise également l'art de l'acquisition de trafic, tirant parti des derniers outils et technologies pour générer un trafic ciblé vers les propriétés numériques des clients. Grâce à une combinaison d'optimisation des moteurs de recherche (SEO), de publicité au paiement par clic (PPC) et de marketing sur les réseaux sociaux, DigitalMa garantit que les marques non seulement atteignent leur public cible, mais s'engagent également avec lui de manière significative.

L'une des principales forces de DigitalMa réside dans sa capacité à exploiter la puissance de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) pour offrir des expériences personnalisées et générer des résultats pour les clients. Qu'il s'agisse d'exploiter des chatbots basés sur l'IA pour le service client, de mettre en œuvre des algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique pour l'analyse prédictive ou d'exploiter le traitement du langage naturel (NLP) pour l'optimisation du contenu, DigitalMa permet aux marques de garder une longueur d'avance dans un monde de plus en plus axé sur l'IA.

Mais peut-être que ce qui distingue vraiment DigitalMa est son engagement inébranlable envers la réussite de ses clients. Contrairement aux agences traditionnelles qui peuvent proposer des solutions fragmentaires, DigitalMa adopte une approche holistique des projets clients, offrant un soutien et des conseils de bout en bout à chaque étape du processus. De l'idéation du concept initial à l'optimisation et au raffinement continus, DigitalMa sert de partenaire de confiance aux clients, les aidant à naviguer dans les complexités du paysage numérique avec confiance et clarté.

En conclusion, DigitalMa n'est pas seulement une agence numérique : c'est un partenaire stratégique pour les marques qui cherchent à prospérer à l'ère numérique. Grâce à son approche innovante, son expertise diversifiée et son engagement inébranlable envers la réussite de Agence digitale ses clients, DigitalMa est sur le point de façonner l’avenir des communications numériques et de stimuler la transformation des entreprises du monde entier.

Élever les marques à Casablanca : le rôle de DigitalMa en tant qu’agence numérique de premier plan

Dans le paysage urbain animé de Casablanca, où l'innovation rencontre la tradition, le paysage numérique évolue à un rythme rapide. Au milieu de cette transformation, DigitalMa apparaît comme un phare d’excellence numérique, proposant des solutions complètes adaptées pour répondre aux divers besoins des marques et des entreprises. Avec un engagement envers l'innovation et une concentration sur l'obtention de résultats tangibles, DigitalMa se présente comme une agence de communication numérique leader qui façonne l'avenir du marketing à Casablanca.

Un pôle d'innovation

DigitalMa n'est pas simplement une autre agence ; c'est un catalyseur de changement. Ancrée dans des convictions innovantes, DigitalMa se consacre à donner aux marques et aux entreprises les moyens de prospérer à l’ère numérique. Du conseil stratégique aux solutions de développement sur mesure, DigitalMa propose une approche holistique qui intègre des technologies de pointe et des stratégies créatives pour favoriser le succès.

Stimuler l'influence de la marque

Dans le monde hyper connecté d’aujourd’hui, établir une forte présence de marque est primordial. DigitalMa comprend cette réalité et travaille sans relâche pour élever les marques grâce à des initiatives numériques stratégiques. Qu'il s'agisse de créer un contenu convaincant, de l'optimiser pour les moteurs de recherche ou d'exploiter la puissance des médias sociaux, DigitalMa utilise une approche multiforme pour améliorer la visibilité et l'influence de la marque dans le domaine numérique.

Transformer les entreprises

La révolution numérique a remodelé le mode de fonctionnement des entreprises, présentant à la fois des défis et des opportunités. DigitalMa est un partenaire de confiance pour les entreprises qui cherchent à naviguer dans ce paysage complexe et à conduire une transformation significative. Qu'il s'agisse de tirer parti de l'intelligence artificielle pour optimiser les processus ou d'exploiter le potentiel des médias imprimés dans un monde numérique, DigitalMa propose une suite complète de services conçus pour propulser les entreprises vers l'avant.

A Global Offer

What sets DigitalMa apart is its ability to deliver a truly global offer. Whether you're a local startup or a multinational corporation, DigitalMa has the expertise and resources to support you at every stage of your digital journey. With a diverse team of experts spanning various disciplines, DigitalMa combines local insights with global best practices to deliver unparalleled results.

Unwavering Support

At DigitalMa, client satisfaction is paramount. That's why the agency goes above and beyond to provide unwavering support throughout every project. From initial consultation to ongoing maintenance and optimization, DigitalMa remains committed to delivering exceptional value and ensuring the success of its clients.

In conclusion, DigitalMa is more than just a digital agency; it's a driving force behind the digital transformation sweeping across Casablanca. With its innovative approach, Agence Digitale Casablanca comprehensive solutions, and unwavering commitment to client success, DigitalMa is poised to shape the future of digital marketing in Casablanca and beyond.

Elevate Your Vaping Experience with STLTH 8K Pro: A Canadian Masterpiece

Are you ready to elevate your vaping experience to new heights? Introducing STLTH 8K Pro – the pinnacle of innovation in disposable vape technology. Designed for discerning Canadian vapers who demand excellence, STLTH 8K Pro redefines the standards of performance, flavor, and convenience in the world of vaping.

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Discover the future of vaping with STLTH 8K Pro – the ultimate Canadian disposable vape. With its exceptional performance, sumptuous flavors, and impeccable craftsmanship, STLTH 8K Pro is poised to become your go-to vaping companion. Explore our selection of STLTH 8K Pro disposable vapes today and experience vaping perfection in every puff.

Elevate Your Vaping Experience with STLTH 8K Pro: A Canadian Masterpiece

Are you ready to elevate your vaping experience to new heights? Introducing STLTH 8K Pro – the pinnacle of innovation in disposable vape technology. Designed for discerning Canadian vapers who demand excellence, STLTH 8K Pro redefines the standards of performance, flavor, and convenience in the world of vaping.

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Prepare to be amazed by the exceptional performance of STLTH 8K Pro. Engineered to deliver an astonishing 8000 puffs, this disposable vape ensures a consistently smooth and flavorful vaping experience that lasts. Whether you're a casual vaper or an experienced enthusiast, STLTH 8K Pro guarantees satisfaction with every puff.

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Experience the richness of Canadian-inspired flavors with STLTH 8K Pro. From the robust notes of Canadian Blend to the refreshing burst of Northern Lights, each flavor profile is meticulously crafted to tantalize your taste buds and evoke a sense of indulgence. With STLTH 8K Pro, every puff is a journey of sensory delight.

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At STLTH, we take pride in our commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Each STLTH 8K Pro disposable vape is crafted using the finest materials and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, ensuring unrivaled quality and reliability. With STLTH 8K Pro, you can trust that every puff is a testament to Canadian ingenuity and excellence.

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Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or new to vaping, STLTH 8K Pro invites you to experience vaping at its finest. With its unmatched performance, luxurious flavors, and impeccable design, STLTH 8K Pro sets the standard for disposable vape excellence in Canada. Embrace the convenience, embrace the sophistication, and elevate your vaping experience with STLTH 8K Pro.


Discover the future of vaping with STLTH 8K Pro – the ultimate Canadian disposable vape. With its exceptional performance, sumptuous flavors, and impeccable craftsmanship, STLTH Stlth 8K Pro is poised to become your go-to vaping companion. Explore our selection of STLTH 8K Pro disposable vapes today and experience vaping perfection in every puff.

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